ProTek® Fire and Blast Protection for Offshore Substations
he advent of large scale offshore wind farms is calling on more sophisticated technology for transmission and distribution into the onshore grid. Many of these systems utilise high voltage DC transmission (HVDC), that ultimately will form part of the international Supergrid.
The announcement of the UK Round 3, facilitating 25GW of new offshore wind by 2020, will advance a new era of offshore substation technology, and simultaneously a growing need to keep that energy transmission safe and secure.
Protek® lightweight composite enclosures for transformers and other critical equipment provide an economic solution for fire and blast protection.
The SCS design team understands the hazardous environment offshore and has learned to design for this harsh environment - inclement weather - wide temperature range - relentless salt spray and corrosion risk throughout the platform’s life - typically 30 years. In addition pollution prevention is high on the list of risk mitigation.